
Use Terms for Essential Collection 3

End users may use, modify, or publish Animation Factory graphics and their associated files as they wish in any personal, commercial or professional project, provided that the graphics are only used for decoration or illustration.

End users may NOT:

1) Place these graphics in, or build, an image collection, archive, gallery, library, clipart site, or any other type of project that would allow others to download, save or otherwise make use of the graphics. Furthermore, the graphics and any modifications thereof cannot be distributed individually or as part of a collection in another product or similar graphic service.

2) Use Animation Factory graphics or components to create or promote immoral, scandalous or obscene works.

3) Use Animation Factory graphics or components in any project that is similar to Animation Factory or competes with the services or products provided by Animation Factory.

4) Use Animation Factory graphics or components in a project where the images are the sole focus or a significant part of the project.

The content of Animation Factory Essential Collection is the property of Animation Factory. All images contained within are copyrighted. License to use the content is only granted within the use terms above. By using these CD-ROMs you agree to the use terms. If you have questions on our use terms please contact us.

Animation Factory
2000 W. 42nd St. Suite C
Sioux Falls, SD 57105

Phone: (605) 339-4722
Toll Free (US only): 800-525-2475
Fax:(605) 335-1554